The Holy Spirit is the source of renewal par excellence. From the very beginning, and continuously, the Spirit renews the whole creation. The incarnation of the Son is the new creation. Christ is the head of the new creation and new humanity. However, the place and role of the Holy Spirit is not secondary in this event of 'new creation.' The Spirit is the Lord of all creation. The event of new creation becomes a living and present reality through the Holy Spirit. In the power of the Holy Spirit the 'new creation' enters into creation and puts it in a dynamic process of renewal. Humanity and creation re-establish their original relation with God.
The Holy Spirit as a source of renewal is one of the favorite themes of Orthodox liturgy. Here are two references taken from the Armenian liturgy [as quoted from Armenian Church Hymns published in 1980]:
"The Renewer...who with his grace renews the cosmos...and us from the sins of Adam."
"Today the heavenly were in joy because of the renewal of the earthly, because of the renewal of creatures; the Holy Spirit descended to the holy upper-room and by Him the apostles were renewed."
In fact, the renewal of the whole humankind as well as heaven and earth, anticipated in the Eucharistic epiclesis, is the eschatological goal of the whole creation.
The ultimate destiny of humanity and creation is deification (theosis). The human being is the representative of the cosmos, a 'microcosm.' Men and women are superior to the cosmos. The latter receives grace through them who are called by God to a supreme vocation: deification, to become by grace that which God is by His nature.
Grace is the transforming and deifying presence of God revealed and poured out by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit transforms us and makes us God-like. Deification is liberation from death. It is re-creation, 'being in Christ,' communion with God. The Holy Spirit leads humanity to Christ and through Him to the Father. Humanity is called also to transform the whole creation in the power of the Holy Spirit. The deification of the cosmos is the restoration of the original order.
His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia
The Challenge to be a Church in a Changing World
Pages 77-78, The Armenian Prelacy, New York 1997
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HEALING LIFE, DEEPENING FAITH, ENRICHING PRACTICE, and REFRESHING SPIRIT ~ This pastoral ministry is sponsored by Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Parish, Madison, Wisconsin ~ 608.443.7241~ ~
One of the paradoxes of human existence is that there is nowhere God is not. Even though we naturally assume that He is more concerned with certain parts of our lives than with others, God is not nearly as restrictive as we are. One of the closest analogies I have come across is that God is fascinated with us - who we are and what we do. No detail of our lives is too small for His infinite interest.
We cannot brush against God without being changed. In the case of the woman who was healed when she touched Jesus surreptitiously in the crowd, the encounter with God changed her life. So it is with us. Every meeting with God, no matter how casual or seemingly insignificant, involves both judgment and transformation.
Father Meletios Webber
Steps of Transformation
Page 147, Conciliar Press, California 2003
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We cannot brush against God without being changed. In the case of the woman who was healed when she touched Jesus surreptitiously in the crowd, the encounter with God changed her life. So it is with us. Every meeting with God, no matter how casual or seemingly insignificant, involves both judgment and transformation.
Father Meletios Webber
Steps of Transformation
Page 147, Conciliar Press, California 2003
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'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God' (Matt. 5:8). Made in God's image, man is a mirror of the divine. He knows God by knowing himself: entering within himself, he sees God reflected in the purity of his own heart. The doctrine of man's creation according to the image means that within each person - within his or her truest and innermost self, often termed the 'deep heart' or 'ground of the soul' - there is a point of direct meeting and union with the Uncreated. 'The kingdom of God is within you' (Luke 17:21).
This quest for the inward kingdom is one of the master themes found throughout the writings of the Fathers. 'The greatest of all lessons,' says St. Clement of Alexandria, 'is to know oneself; for if someone knows himself, he will know God; and if he knows God, he will become like God.' St. Basil the Great writes: 'When the intellect is no longer dissipated among external things or dispersed across the world through the senses, it returns to itself; and by means of itself it ascends to the thought of God.' 'He who knows himself knows everything,' says St Isaac the Syrian; and elsewhere he writes:
"Be at peace with your own soul; then heaven and earth will be at peace with you. Enter eagerly into the treasure house that is within you, and so you will see the things that are in heaven; for there is but one single entry to them both. The ladder that leads to the kingdom is hidden within your soul. Flee from sin, dive into yourself, and in your soul you will discover the stairs by which to ascend."
Archimandrite (now Bishop) Kallistos Ware
The Orthodox Way pages 70-71
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York
1st Paperback Edition 1979 (Revised since this edition in 1995)
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This quest for the inward kingdom is one of the master themes found throughout the writings of the Fathers. 'The greatest of all lessons,' says St. Clement of Alexandria, 'is to know oneself; for if someone knows himself, he will know God; and if he knows God, he will become like God.' St. Basil the Great writes: 'When the intellect is no longer dissipated among external things or dispersed across the world through the senses, it returns to itself; and by means of itself it ascends to the thought of God.' 'He who knows himself knows everything,' says St Isaac the Syrian; and elsewhere he writes:
"Be at peace with your own soul; then heaven and earth will be at peace with you. Enter eagerly into the treasure house that is within you, and so you will see the things that are in heaven; for there is but one single entry to them both. The ladder that leads to the kingdom is hidden within your soul. Flee from sin, dive into yourself, and in your soul you will discover the stairs by which to ascend."
Archimandrite (now Bishop) Kallistos Ware
The Orthodox Way pages 70-71
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York
1st Paperback Edition 1979 (Revised since this edition in 1995)
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Blessing of Candles
Here is a prayer for the blessing of candles:
O Lord Jesus Christ, the true light that illumines every man that comes into the world: Do Thou bestow Thy blessing upon these candles, and sanctify them with the light of Thy grace; that as they, kindles with visible fire, do dispel the shadows of night, so may also our hearts, lighted by the invisible flame of the Holy Spirit, cast out the darkness of sin; to the end that with the eye of a cleansed soul, we may see that which is well-pleasing to Thee and necessary for our salvation; so that having triumphed over the dark afflictions of this world we may at the last attain to the Light Everlasting: For Thou art our Savior, and to Thee do we ascribe glory, with Thine unoriginate Father, and Thine all holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit: now and ever and forever. Amen.
In the preparation for Divine Liturgy (Holy Qurbana), prayers are said in greeting the altar, including prayers at lighting candles.
On the left (north side): O Jesus, full of light, in Your light we see light, for You are the true light that enlightens the whole creation. Enlighten us by Your glorious light, O Radiance of the heavenly Father.
On the right (south side): O Pure and Holy One, who dwells in the abodes of light, keep away from us evil passions and hateful thoughts; grant us purity of heart, so that we may do the deeds of righteousness.
From Orthodox Service Books in use in Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Parish, Madison, Wisconsin
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O Lord Jesus Christ, the true light that illumines every man that comes into the world: Do Thou bestow Thy blessing upon these candles, and sanctify them with the light of Thy grace; that as they, kindles with visible fire, do dispel the shadows of night, so may also our hearts, lighted by the invisible flame of the Holy Spirit, cast out the darkness of sin; to the end that with the eye of a cleansed soul, we may see that which is well-pleasing to Thee and necessary for our salvation; so that having triumphed over the dark afflictions of this world we may at the last attain to the Light Everlasting: For Thou art our Savior, and to Thee do we ascribe glory, with Thine unoriginate Father, and Thine all holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit: now and ever and forever. Amen.
In the preparation for Divine Liturgy (Holy Qurbana), prayers are said in greeting the altar, including prayers at lighting candles.
On the left (north side): O Jesus, full of light, in Your light we see light, for You are the true light that enlightens the whole creation. Enlighten us by Your glorious light, O Radiance of the heavenly Father.
On the right (south side): O Pure and Holy One, who dwells in the abodes of light, keep away from us evil passions and hateful thoughts; grant us purity of heart, so that we may do the deeds of righteousness.
From Orthodox Service Books in use in Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Parish, Madison, Wisconsin
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Simon [of Taibutheh* in the 7th Century] speaks of three altars of knowing.
The first is the knowledge of works or the observance of the commandments, and the second, the knowledge of "theoria," the meditation on the mysteries of God which are hidden in every work of creation. As we have seen, the scriptures are able to enlighten us in these matters.
The third altar is the knowledge of hope, by which we draw near "the living altar which is Christ, our hope and our God." Just as Christ was united with the Word of God "inseparably and forever, so also the mind is united to Christ without any intermediary and forever; and it is on this altar that a man sanctifies, glorifies and praises at all times; and it is through it that he lives, moves, feeds, sleeps, and does everything without interruption."
The goal of all perfecton is communion with God at a level beyond human knowledge. This communion begins while one is still a novice and takes place in the meditation of the mind during prayer. The communion with God consists in thanks and gratitude offered to God in the inwardness of the mind, with a simple faith which has no doubt.
[*The term "Taibutheh" means "his grace" and refers to the fact that Simon claimed all things are accomplished by God's grace.]
Chorbishop Seely Beggiani
Introduction to Eastern Christian Spirituality: The Syriac Tradition
pages 87-88 & footnote page 112
University of Scranton Press 2001
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The first is the knowledge of works or the observance of the commandments, and the second, the knowledge of "theoria," the meditation on the mysteries of God which are hidden in every work of creation. As we have seen, the scriptures are able to enlighten us in these matters.
The third altar is the knowledge of hope, by which we draw near "the living altar which is Christ, our hope and our God." Just as Christ was united with the Word of God "inseparably and forever, so also the mind is united to Christ without any intermediary and forever; and it is on this altar that a man sanctifies, glorifies and praises at all times; and it is through it that he lives, moves, feeds, sleeps, and does everything without interruption."
The goal of all perfecton is communion with God at a level beyond human knowledge. This communion begins while one is still a novice and takes place in the meditation of the mind during prayer. The communion with God consists in thanks and gratitude offered to God in the inwardness of the mind, with a simple faith which has no doubt.
[*The term "Taibutheh" means "his grace" and refers to the fact that Simon claimed all things are accomplished by God's grace.]
Chorbishop Seely Beggiani
Introduction to Eastern Christian Spirituality: The Syriac Tradition
pages 87-88 & footnote page 112
University of Scranton Press 2001
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If anyone truly desires to do the will of God
with all their heart,
God will never abandon them
but will constantly guide them along the paths of His will.
If someone really sets their hearts on the will of God,
God will find even a little child to illuminate
so as to communicate His will to that person.
But if a person does not truly desire the will of God,
even if they were to go to a prophet,
God would put it into the heart of that prophet
to give a response comparable to the deceit
that was in the seeker's heart.
Dorotheos of Gaza, 5th Century (Discourse 5)
The Book of Mystical Chapters, page 69
translated by John Anthony McGuckin
Shambala Publications 2002
"A Little Spiritual Help" is for
If anyone truly desires to do the will of God
with all their heart,
God will never abandon them
but will constantly guide them along the paths of His will.
If someone really sets their hearts on the will of God,
God will find even a little child to illuminate
so as to communicate His will to that person.
But if a person does not truly desire the will of God,
even if they were to go to a prophet,
God would put it into the heart of that prophet
to give a response comparable to the deceit
that was in the seeker's heart.
Dorotheos of Gaza, 5th Century (Discourse 5)
The Book of Mystical Chapters, page 69
translated by John Anthony McGuckin
Shambala Publications 2002
"A Little Spiritual Help" is for
I come to thee, My child, in the very smallest things, in the humblest details. Each one of thy getsures can in itself become an expression of limitless Love.
Thou dost wash a plate. Thou dost dry it. Let these actions carry within them love towards all those who have eaten off this plate, toward all those who will eat off it.
A woman goes out of door. She goes to hang the washing on the line so it will dry. Does this rapid movement of service not remind thee of something? Those two arms, spread out for an instant, do they not make thee think of two other arms which were stretched out on sacred Wood?
Everything becomes sacred, if thy love transfigures it.
Love Himself is amongst us as He who serves.
Fr. Lev Gillet
In Thy Presence, page 43,SVS Press 1977
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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I come to thee, My child, in the very smallest things, in the humblest details. Each one of thy getsures can in itself become an expression of limitless Love.
Thou dost wash a plate. Thou dost dry it. Let these actions carry within them love towards all those who have eaten off this plate, toward all those who will eat off it.
A woman goes out of door. She goes to hang the washing on the line so it will dry. Does this rapid movement of service not remind thee of something? Those two arms, spread out for an instant, do they not make thee think of two other arms which were stretched out on sacred Wood?
Everything becomes sacred, if thy love transfigures it.
Love Himself is amongst us as He who serves.
Fr. Lev Gillet
In Thy Presence, page 43,SVS Press 1977
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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The Mercy of Differences
The Mercy of Differences
Maybe we have needed to be separated by languages and cultures and distances in order to spiritually develop into the divinity for which we have been created.
For in the struggles to understand, we learn empathy.
In the difficulties to tolerate differences, we learn mercy.
In the extraordinary encounter with those that are different than ourselves, we encounter a transcendent divinity that is greater than us all.
Fr John Brian Paprock
from key note address "Human Rights and Spiritual Development"
delivered at Wisconsin State Capitol December 10, 2008
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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Maybe we have needed to be separated by languages and cultures and distances in order to spiritually develop into the divinity for which we have been created.
For in the struggles to understand, we learn empathy.
In the difficulties to tolerate differences, we learn mercy.
In the extraordinary encounter with those that are different than ourselves, we encounter a transcendent divinity that is greater than us all.
Fr John Brian Paprock
from key note address "Human Rights and Spiritual Development"
delivered at Wisconsin State Capitol December 10, 2008
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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15 Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.
15 Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.
1. We must have the faith that things will work out somehow, that God will make a way for us when there seems no way.
2. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
3. All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.
4. An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
5. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
6. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
7. Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.
8. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
9. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
10. Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
11. The time is always right to do what is right.
12. To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
13. We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
14. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
15. The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
From speeches and books during his public life in the 1960s
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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1. We must have the faith that things will work out somehow, that God will make a way for us when there seems no way.
2. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
3. All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.
4. An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
5. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
6. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
7. Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.
8. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
9. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
10. Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
11. The time is always right to do what is right.
12. To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
13. We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
14. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
15. The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
From speeches and books during his public life in the 1960s
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
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1. Prayer helps education to enhance truth, virtuous life, faith, reverence
and mutual respect.
2. One who prays to God Almighty daily will never be a liar, filthy mannered
or one without faith. He will not ill-treat his fellow men or superiors.
3. Prayer is the enthusiasm of childhood, the dependence of youth, and the
peace of old age.
4. Prayer with full heart will be accepted by God and it will be returned to
us as a symbol of blessings.
5. One, who loves his fellowmen, is a real devotee.
6. Because all that is created by God deserves love, many things beyond our
dreams are possible through prayer.
7. Pray to God loudly during the day and night alike.
8. These prayers will help us to remove the darkness in our lives, and to
take away the weakness among us.
9. These prayers are a means to achieve salvation and redemption, which are
the final goals in our lives.
10. So pray with hope and faith and worship God. Brethren, God will be
pleased with you.
Let there be the love of the Father, grace of the Son, and the fullness of
the Holy Spirit that gives peace among you forever and ever.
St. Gregorios of Parumala (India)
1870 speech in "Parumala Kochi Thirumeni" by Fr. E. J. Abraham
Translation by Jose Kurian Puliyeril as "St. Gregorios of Parumala"
2001, Puliyeril Publications, Kottayam
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
one way to support this effort is to buy books - check out at:
1. Prayer helps education to enhance truth, virtuous life, faith, reverence
and mutual respect.
2. One who prays to God Almighty daily will never be a liar, filthy mannered
or one without faith. He will not ill-treat his fellow men or superiors.
3. Prayer is the enthusiasm of childhood, the dependence of youth, and the
peace of old age.
4. Prayer with full heart will be accepted by God and it will be returned to
us as a symbol of blessings.
5. One, who loves his fellowmen, is a real devotee.
6. Because all that is created by God deserves love, many things beyond our
dreams are possible through prayer.
7. Pray to God loudly during the day and night alike.
8. These prayers will help us to remove the darkness in our lives, and to
take away the weakness among us.
9. These prayers are a means to achieve salvation and redemption, which are
the final goals in our lives.
10. So pray with hope and faith and worship God. Brethren, God will be
pleased with you.
Let there be the love of the Father, grace of the Son, and the fullness of
the Holy Spirit that gives peace among you forever and ever.
St. Gregorios of Parumala (India)
1870 speech in "Parumala Kochi Thirumeni" by Fr. E. J. Abraham
Translation by Jose Kurian Puliyeril as "St. Gregorios of Parumala"
2001, Puliyeril Publications, Kottayam
"A Little Spiritual Help" is a group that is over a year old with over 1,000 members on Facebook. It is also a Yahoo group. This is an archival post.
one way to support this effort is to buy books - check out at:
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