
Devotional Thoughts for the feast of Transfiguration 6th Aug 09

Devotional Thoughts for the feast of Transfiguration 6th Aug 09
Reading: From the Gospel according to St. Luke 9: 27 – 36

Dear and Respected Brethren,

For the last so many centuries we the entire Christendom is using the term “Transfiguration” for the feast described in the above reading from the Holy Scriptures. It is clear that the radical changes noticed by St. Peter, St. John and St. James were not at all due to an effect of the so called Transfiguration. It was a revelation of God’s own nature.

Transfiguration literally means: “Alter form or appearance of”. In the event our Lord was not changing his form or appearance of his physique. He just removed a covering from Him and remained in His true glory and grace. The divine glory and brightness was too hard for the ordinary people to bear with the daily interactions with Him. With this consideration our Lord hid His glory when He incarnated and lived among us. If this argument is acceptable to one and all, a question remains unanswered. “Why did Lord Jesus revealed His original and real glory and glitter?

The answer is very simple. Our Lord’s incarnation itself is to take the entire mankind to have His glory, glitter and brightness. So He wanted to caution us to attempt to grow in spirituality and its perfection, so that we all could inherit his divine qualities and natures. When we all will transfigure, by being in Christ the event will a feast of Transfiguration for the humanity.

Every year we observe and celebrate the feast of Transfiguration on 6th August. The day is inviting each and every one of us to grow to a higher level of spirituality and holiness, so that you and me could inherit the blessing of transfiguration. The actual transfiguration is to take place in the humanity. So let us desire for it and do whatever we could to attain this most blessed experience. While we might attend the Holy Eucharist service on this most important day, let our minds be attracted to the desire to obtain the transfiguration in our lives. Let us make sure that we long to live in Lord Christ, though we accept the Holy mysteries. Let us genuinely long and desire to grow in Lord Jesus and submit ourselves for His entire disposal.

May God bless us all.

Jose Kurian Puliyeril

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