Whether our most deeply rooted problem is causedby sin or by wound, or (most likely) by a combination of the two, through Jesus we see a God who with inexorable powers of compassion calls forth the innermost, most hidden self of shame, weakness, and hurt into a healed llife.
This healing is possible not only because of the healing will and power of God but also because of the nature of our humanity wthin God.
Our energies, our powers, and our gifts came originally from the light and the hands of one Creator, who created all beings and powers in the divine image. The gift of freedom... endowed us with the power to misuse and pervert our gifts and energies and to pass on to others, woundingly, the hurting and the hurtful.
But no matter how distorted and hurtful our powers within, they were originally created from the divine surce, and they hold the potentiality for the unique and beautiful. In their healing, they are not wiped out or destroyed, for nothing in God's creation can ultimately be destroyed. Rather, they are restiored to their original, intended power of gifted creativity.
Our fear, when healed, becomes intuitive, empathetic compassion and sensitivity toward others.
Our destructive anger, when healed, becomes a passion, a hunger and thirst for justice and righteousness.
Our perfectionism, our compulsion to organize and dominate, when healed, becomes released, joyous power to build and create.
Our intertia and our withdrawals, when healed, become increasing powers for peace and integrity.
Our possessiveness, our jealousies, and our physical addictions, when healed, become growing released powers to become lovers and healers of the world around us.
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Prayer, Stress and Our Inner Wounds, pages 49-50
1985 Upper Room, Nashville,Tennessee
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